This is My Process

Hi. So I recently picked up John Truby’s The Anatomy of Story, it’s fantastic. I also just re-read On Writing by Stephen King. Also fantastic. But I realized that I’m starting to try to fit my writing into puzzle that isn’t necessarily mine. I’ve been ignoring my intuition, trusting that what these great authors have said will yield better results (and maybe they would, who knows), but I can’t turn my back on my instincts. My instincts right now are telling me to print out what I have, read them through now and then decide what is missing and what I need to add after that. Instead of going through and just continuing to draft… Yeah because I’m also realizing that the book is turning into something else. My original idea for this collection of interconnected stories and vignettes was to have them be short, punchy, almost horrifying in the way that everyone is treating each other and that’s it. Now, it seems like it’s turning back into my original idea of trying to write a trilogy with these characters and that just simply isn’t what I want to do in the grand scheme of things. Not right now. So, I’m going to do what I said and see how that works. love —xo


Camp NaNo Update 1


Drafting Update