Camp NaNo Update 1
Let’s go over some numbers: I have second drafts of four stories done and am almost done with a fifth, but I’m gonna come back to it because I feel a bit stuck at the moment. So today and for the next couple of days I’m going to work on one of my longer stories. I’m feeling good about it. I found the voice/tone of it, which I remember was something that was holding me back a while ago. // I think another thing I’ll work on during Camp is my query letter. I want to be able to just send out queries once I’m done with the manuscript… but I have a feeling I won’t really be able to have a tight letter until I’m finished with the manuscript LOL so I'm just gonna do what I can. Keep adding to my list of agents I want to query and just begin the rough shape of my query letter. I wish that on the Nano site I could just check a box for “showed up today” instead of needing to put in a number of words put down, but anyway. I’m showing up and even though it’s only day 3, I feel good. Best of luck to you if you’re participating. xo