Let’s Do It
Okay so I had a really lofty goal of finishing a short story by the weekend. Today is Friday. That’s not gonna happen 🙃 It’s fine, I just have to readjust and remember that I can’t give myself super short and strict goals like that because there’s just no telling what’s going to happen in life right now. Having such young kids, you’re constantly pivoting and that is okay. I was having a crisis a week ago when my youngest wouldn’t sleep (he’s still not sleeping in case you were wondering) and I was getting basically furious every single time he would wake up because I felt like he was taking me away from my writing and then I realized… I am right where I need to be. Anytime I’m with him, I’m right where I am supposed to be and anytime I’m able to write, that’s right where I’m supposed to be. It helped for three seconds but hey, I’m working on it. Anyhow. My new goal is to finish a story before November ends, by the end of November, whatever, just get it done soonish sort of. I know that once I finish a story, though it’s going to catapult me forward… I can feel it. I think it’ll help me with finding some sort of rhythm. And then my entire family will get sick again HA! Talk soon —xo