Hey, it’s Renahy
Long time no see. Here I am. I still exist. And in fact, I have since brought another little life into this realm! I had my second son a little over 6 months ago and it has been incredible and beautiful and sometimes difficult, but here I am. I’m back, baby. So, I’ve been slowly working on Seriously Short over the last few months and it’s been so nice to have my brain be back on it after having full on baby brain for a while. I’ve been adding to my notes app the way I do (which is pretty constant) and I try to open my scrivener at least once a day, but that doesn’t always happen. This week I decided that I wanted to focus on adding a few things to my site and starting a vlog and when I get my laptop back from being fixed, I’ll start really writing. I love my desktop, but I find it much easier to write on my laptop these days because I can just bring it around the house and do a little work even if I’m with the boys. I used to find switching on and off to be nearly impossible and now I realize that was kind of a story I was telling myself and it was keeping me from creating as much as I could. I still think there is something to be said about that, though. Because I know I still need to be alone for a period of time in order to dive deeply into certain stories, but anyway you get the pictureeeee. It’s so so so so so nice to be back. I’ll touch back in a few days when I start trying to find another rhythm again. xo