super grateful but also get me out of here
These have been some of the hardest few days I’ve had in a long time since becoming a mother. My boys are sick and have been sick for almost two weeks now, my husband for almost one week and I am somehow the last one standing. I’m also pregnant (woohooo), which means I’m literally dizzyingly tired and because my husband is ill I’m not getting the type of breaks from the kids that I usually do so wow. We are all freaking BEAT over here.
So, while we’ve been in survival mode I haven’t been writing, but I have been reading and thinking about my presence online 🙃. Yesterday I somehow revamped my entire website and I love it. It feels more along the lines of what I wanted it to be once I decided that I really wanted to document and share my journey to becoming a traditionally published author. I also was able to go over my mission statement and purpose/vision for me as a business, which is what you as an author are — you are the business. I am the business. It might feel a bit strange to say, but when I was thinking about if I really felt strange about it, I realized that I was thinking that others might think it’s strange — I think of it as the truth.
Anyway. The way I’ve been using my website journal didn’t feel fully aligned to me and I think it’s because I wasn’t really diving very deep. I realized while I was laying with my 15-month-old, putting him down for his nap, that I want this to be a place that I can look back on and remember exactly what was going on in this phase of life. I want to be able to go right back to that time and place with fondness or empathy or whatever and so that’s what I’m deciding to do now. I’ll show up here twice a month, just like I want to show up on YouTube — twice a month feels doable as a pregnant mom of 2 and anything more I do is icing on the cake.
More housekeeping needs to be done, I think. Just a few little things, such as:
fixing my IG and YT bios
SEO for HR (
I was going to add more things, but I think that’s enough for now LOL gotta be realistic here!!
Once I’m done I’m going to get my ass back to writing because that’s the entire point of this whole thing, right? But it feels really good to know that the business side, housekeeping stuffs is pau, done, finished.
Okay. Hope you don’t mind your entire ear being talked off a few times a month HA!!! Mahalo for being here 🤙🏽♥️