A Break
Aloha! Just realized titling this A Break and starting off with Aloha may seem like I’m taking a break in Hawai’i — I freaking wish. But I am still taking a break and it’s been… interesting. I’ve had to actually stop myself from trying to write just to give myself a little bit of space because for a while it was feeling like I was banging my head against a wall. My oldest has this week off until summer school starts up next week so I thought it was good timing. I spent the week so far clearing out a lot of stuff in the office/guest room that I do my work in and that’s been nice. Not finished, but that’s okay, there are still a few days left in the week! Anyway. Not much to update you on except that telling myself that this is a week of rest has been difficult lol I’ve been having to combat lots of feelings of guilt for not working on my book but I have to remind myself that I’ve literally written daily for months on end and that there’s a difference between procrastinating/avoiding and resting and that I’m participating in the latter. I’m getting excited to get back to work, though. And during this break I’ve been thinking a lot about social media and how I want to show up and I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to show up in a more consistent way that feels really authentic and doable. Kay byeeeee xo