Update and Plans
Hiyeeee. So no query letter work was done lol Camp was a success because I wrote every single day, which is basically all I wanted to do even though I’ve been writing daily for probably a few months at this point. During the month of April, I scrapped two stories and completely rejigged three stories so sometimes when I think too hard about my progress I feel paralyzed because there is a lot of work to be done (brainstorming, outlining, drafting) but I know that everything I’m doing is making the stories better, which makes the book better. So nothing is being done in vain and that helps keep me from feeling depressed about it all lol. Although there are times when I just put my head down on my desk or stare out of the window thinking… wow… this is a disaster. :::Deep Breath::: it’s okay LOL. Anyway, right now I have outlines for stories I’m calling (I’ve decided to include titles so looking back I know wtf I’m talking about) Disappear Here and Pheromones and half a draft of a story called Everything & Nothing, but I need to outline the rest because now I’m stuck since I just started writing it with no real sense of direction. So yeah… lots of work to do, especially because I have to go back and tighten up other stories. My other story titles so far are Food 4 Thought, The Room in the Corner, Manhandle, Detached. And possible titles for possible stories are Blame the Patriarchy and Misapprehension, but those aren’t even written yet… they were originally one story but I decided it would be more effective/better if it was 2 and told from each main character’s POV. Anywayssssssss catch ya later!!! xo