Well, well, well
This is fucking hard. I’m feeling very overwhelmed and intimidated… so I have to find a way to turn this into smaller chunks for myself and stay present. I keep thinking about the end result and it’s extremely daunting to me at the moment.
I kept wanting to have a draft very soon, like within a month or two, but I’m slowly realizing that I may be shooting myself in the foot with such a close self-imposed deadline. So, I’m pushing it to my birthday, July 13th! Because what a wonderful gift that would be, to have a finished draft (we won’t talk about if I don’t make the deadline, so do not bring it up k thanks)!?!?!! Plus, 12 weeks seems like a good amount of time to write a bunch of shorts.
I need to start asking myself why — why is this story being written; what is its purpose. I think I’m trying to stay somewhat true to my old manuscript (where I’m pulling my characters and most of the story from) and it’s holding me back in a major way. So I’m going to go through the list of vignettes I’ve pulled and ask myself what the purpose of it would be and if it isn’t strong enough, it’s gone. As writers I think we want to include all of our ideas and all of our people because if we don’t, we feel a sort of mom guilt, but I am over mom guilt so… bye!
Okay! Feeling better already. Thanks for listening.