Happy New Year!

Hiyeeeee. It’s 2023! How are we feeling?! I hope you’re feeling fantastic. I saw something today that was like, “I hope you’re not starting any resolutions right now while everything is hibernating! Wait until spring when things are waking up! Mimic nature!” I love that and so I hope if you see this that it encourages you to give yourself grace, go slowly and listen to your body. Anywayz. I’ve been feeling a little bit stuck with just planning/plotting stories, so I decided to just start writing one of the stories that I’ve plotted so that I can keep up my momentum of showing up everyday in some capacity. Sometimes I have little to nothing to give, so I’ll just keep it short and maybe write a line or two or I’ll just open my Notion (where I’m organizing everything, idk if I told you that’s what I use) and move shit around lol. I’ve been having a hard time clearing my mind before I start to write so I’m gonna try to do a better job of using my time intentionally, but regardless, I'm starting out this year quite proud of my progress. Thanks for being here. :) xo


Today Was a Good Day


Happy 13th!