Hey… Renahy here. Where have I been? MYOB 🙃 Jokes. Anywhomst! Realized that I needed to set some new goals that are actually attainable so here we are.
Read voraciously! I just binged all 4 seasons of Cake Wars… and while I don’t regret it one bit, I did start dreaming of cakes. So if I replace that time with reading, maybe I’ll dream about my story??? Worth a shot!
Outline one story, draft said story. I’m going to take this week to outline and then begin the drafting once that’s done. So I’m hoping to get a draft done by the end of the month.
I’m almost finished with Kiss Me Someone and at the back of the book the author says that the stories have been accrued/written over THIRTY YEARS. I was like 😳 and it really put things into perspective for me. I was feeling very… loserish for not being able to just pump these stories out. But apparently it takes time to write things????
Here’s to time!!!