I’ve been feeling a bit on edge about my decision to start these short stories. I realized that all the ideas were basically just things that happened to me lol and I don’t actually want to go this route just yet. So I’ve decided to use my characters from the manuscript that I’ve been developing/working on for years (called Seriously) and create little vignettes, slices of life, and see what happens.
I was originally going to take this week to work on 2 of the stories from my current list of short story ideas, but now I’m pivoting and I’m going to take these next days to brainstorm and loosely outline what I’m gonna call Seriously Short.
Since I’ve never written short stories before, I’m kind of nervous and I keep going between feeling completely out of my depth and totally excited and capable… these are the two planes that writers float between, I guess! Anyway, wish me luck.